Domain Name Registrations
Start your business with your own personal domain name, personal website address and personal email accounts.
Register your domain name with The Legal Web Online today!
Your Website and business starts with your Domain Name! With The Legal Web Online we make registering DOMAIN NAMES REGISTRATIONS easy and inexpensive.
Use Our Domain Name Search checker below to check if your perfect name is available.
R82 per year
Frequently asked questions
A domain name like is a website address that people will use to find you on the internet. Domain names are used as an address to locate businesses, organizations, or other entities on the Internet.
The domain name is the foundation of your website ( as well as your email address (, using a well thought up domain name allows your customers to identify and remember you more easily on the Web.
A great benefit of using your own domain name is that regardless of how many times you change your website hosting provider, your Email and website address will always remain the same.
Registering your domain name now ensures that you own the domain name that may not otherwise be available when you want it.
Once registered, the domain name is yours, provided the domain renewal fees are paid each year.
You can park the domain, use it, sell it or lease it to other individuals or companies.
Domain parking is included free with all our domain name registrations and transfers.
We offer; .org; .net; .com, .info; . Biz
With more than 1000 new gTLD domains being added to the internet, we will constantly update our list of available domain extensions.
Your domain registration could be complete within minutes, provided the domain registration fee is paid and your registration information is filled out correctly.
This depends on the ccTLD or gTLD that is being transferred.